Don't Let Business Travel Wreck Your Training Schedule

Don't Let Business Travel Wreck Your Training Schedule

Training for a marathon is an exciting process. You have a huge goal in mind, you’ve set yourself up for success, and you are sticking to all your milestones. But even with the best of plans, business travel could be a potential hiccup on your path to success. Don’t let your upcoming trip derail your training efforts. Instead, find a way to work these easy, travel-friendly workouts into your routine.
6 Foods That Will Boost Your Marathon Performance (and Recovery)

6 Foods That Will Boost Your Marathon Performance (and Recovery)

Even the most experienced marathoners sometimes one critical step to their routine: fueling their bodies appropriately both before and after a long-distance race. The ideal runner's diet consists of the proper balance of carbohydrates and protein, designed to maximize performance and promote recovery. When you toe the starting line, be confident in yourself by working these foods into your pre-race routine?